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Dab Tools, DinoNail, Quartz Banger, Terp pearls, Terp Slurper -

When choosing the perfect banger, it’s common to consider the style, the size and the material, but something that we pay less attention to is its construction – primarily, how it’s welded.As you’re about to find out, it’s always better to go with a fully welded, aka a seamless banger, since it provides lots of advantages that benefit you as a dabbing enthusiast. What’s the Difference? There are generally two types of bangers: a fully welded banger and a standard welded banger.A standard welded banger is made up of two parts that are connected to each other through a welding...


Banger, Quartz banger, Terp Slurper, Terp Slurper Marble -

Terp Slurper bangers have become the banger of choice for most people looking for the most flavorful and efficient quartz banger. Terp Slurpers require slightly more knowledge to be used properly, which is why we've created this terp slurper FAQ to help you understand how to get the most out of your terp slurper quartz banger.


Dab Tools, DinoNail, Quartz Banger, Terp pearls -

If you're a weed consumer, then you know that there's nothing quite like taking a big hit of some good quality bud. But what if we told you that you could enhance the smoking experience by adding terp pearls to your joint or bowl? No, we're not kidding!


Cannabis concentrate, dabbing, low temperature -

Cannabis concentrate provides a stunning combination of powerful effects and intense flavors. When the concentrate is heated, the cannabinoids and terpenes are released into the vapor, producing the wide range of effects and flavors that cannabis exhibits. However, knowing what temperature to heat a concentrate to is crucial. Getting the right temperature can make the difference between experiencing delicious and profound effects or tasting the scorched disappointment of being too hot to vape effectively.


DinoNail, Terp Slurper -

There is a reason why even the dabbing connoisseur is hyping this accessory. The terp slurper is the latest kid on the block—which might seem like a gimmick, but it does a lot more than you can fathom. Before you get into the idea of whether it is worth it or not (which, by the way, it is), you should skim through the what-s and the how-s. 
